El Marita

2024 refit | Кол-во кают 6 | Кол-во гостей 8
От € 9.100 за неделю


April, May, October
€ 9.100 за неделю
June, September
€ 12.800 за неделю
July, August
€ 14.500 за неделю


The Charter Fee includes the charter of the yacht with all its equipment in working order, tools, stores, cleaning materials, basic consumable stores for engine-room, deck and cabins etc.; the crew's wages, food; the insurance of the yacht for marine risk and third party claims and the crew for employer's liability.

For detailed info please get in touch with our brokers



Advanced provisioning allowance (APA): the charterer is charged extra, at cost, for the charter expenses: fuel for the yacht, RIB or other tenders; food, soft drinks, wines, beers, spirits for the charterer, other consumable stores, berthing dues and other harbour charges away from the yacht's own berth, including pilotage fees and charges for water and electricity taken from the shore, laundry, telephone, fax or telex via radio or Inmarsat, as well as the hire costs of any special equipment placed on board at the request of the charterer. 25-40% APA is given to the yacht prior to the charter to allow the captain to buy fuel and provision the yacht as per the charterer's demands. At the end of the charter, the captain presents full accounts of all expenditure. The charterer is either refunded any money not used or asked to pay any additional costs not covered by the APA.

Extra expenses:fuel (the yacht is delivered with full tanks of fuel and the skipper refills at the end of the charter), provisioning, drinks, harbour marina fees during the charter, marineros tips if applicable,water during the charter,transfers to and from the yacht upon charterers request.VAT 12% as of today. In the event that the VAT changes any difference will be debited or credited to the charterer.

For detailed info please get in touch with our brokers


Длина 14 м Ширина 7.9 м
Осадка 1.3 м Год Постройки 2021
Год Рефита 2024 Строитель Lagoon
Всего Гостей 8 Экипаж 1
Количество кают 6 Кондиционер Везде
Джакузи Нет Wi-Fi Да
Расход Топлива 15 л/час Крейсерская Скорость 7 узлов
Максимальная Скорость 9 узлов

Особенность Кают

Одноместная Каюта 2 Двуспальная Каюта 4

Тендер и Водные Игрушки

Dinghy with 15 hp

Snorkeling & Fishing Gear

Floating Mats

Развлечение на Борту


Stereo in the saloon



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