Halas 71 |
2016 refit | 12 cabinas | 24 invitados | Fairfield Shipping Co |
Desde € 112.000 por semana |
HALAS 71 is an absolutely unique motor yacht with a beautiful story that you can charter in Turkey. She is based in Istanbul during winter months, therefore, she can be an excellent venue for those visiting Constantinople and searching for a stunning boutique hotel on water or a base for a corporate event, business meeting, product launch, special celebration and much more.
In summer months HALAS 71 motor yacht sails to the Aegean coast of Turkey. You can charter the yacht from Bodrum to Marmaris, Gocek to Fethiye and vice versa. There are many places to see on a luxury yacht cruise itinerary with HALAS 71.
The rich and long story of HALAS 71
The yacht was built in 1914 by the British for the Ottoman Empire, however, the ship never made it to the empire because of the World War I. Instead, the British government used the ship named Waterwich at that time in Gallipoli.
Only in 1923, she became a truly Turkish boat after being used by the British Allied Headquarters. The same year the ship was named HALAS. For the next 65 years, it served as a passenger ferry on the Bosphorus carrying thousands of passengers daily.
In 1984 the famous Turkish publisher Haldun and Cigdem Simavi gave to the yacht a second life by purchasing it and transferring it into a 15-cabin luxury cruiser. The ship was literally rescued from the wreckers yard. HALAS became a top private luxury yacht in Istanbul.
In 2008 the cruiser got new owners. Famous Turkish Koc family, Mustafa and Caroline, purchased the yacht and put her through a major refit. In two year HALAS was transferred into a more luxurious yacht with 12 cabins that can be chartered for special events and luxury yachting holidays in Istanbul and Turkey.
Over the years LAHAS 71 hosted VIP guests from around the world including former US Presidents, George Bush and Bill Clinton, former French President Francois Mitterand, and members of the British Royal Family - Prince Charles, Princess Margaret, the Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.
Today you can charter the yacht in Istanbul or hire the boat in Bodrum, Marmaris, Fethiye. No matter which destination you will choose, there’s a guarantee that you’ll have an absolutely amazing and unique experience feeling and being treated like a royal! The crew of HALAS 71 yacht is highly professional and knows exactly how to take care of each guest according to the VIP standards.
Please, contact us for more information about Istanbul yacht and charter service.
El precio del alquiler incluye el alquiler del yate y su equipamiento en estado de funcionamiento, los servicios de la tripulación y el seguro del yate.
APA, avance para aprovisionamiento o Advanced Provisioning Allowance es la cantidad necesaria para cubrir y pagar los gastos durante el alquiler de un yate. Son costes que no están incluidos en el precio del chárter de yate. Se trata de comida, bebida, combustible, amarres en puertos deportivos, tasas portuarias, traslados, etc. Hay que pagar un depósito por adelantado para los gastos juntamente con el precio contractual del alquiler del yate. Normalmente, el APA es de entre el 30% y el 40% del precio de alquiler del yate. Antes de iniciar el chárter el capitán se encarga de adquirir todas las provisiones necesarias y lleva un registro de todos los gastos. Si esa cantidad (30%-40% de APA) resulta más que suficiente para cubrir el chárter y los gastos adicionales surgidos durante el viaje, los fondos no gastados se devuelven al arrendatario del yate. Por supuesto, también ocurre que el depósito (APA) no sea suficiente para cubrir todos los gastos, en cuyo caso el capitán del yate informará a los huéspedes de la necesidad de cubrir gastos.
Longitud | 52.3 m | Anchura | 9.4 m |
Calado | 3.7 m | Año de construcción | 1914 |
Año de renovación | 2016 | Constructor | Fairfield Shipping Co |
Invitados | 24 | Tripulación | 16 |
Número de cabinas | 12 | Aire acondicionado | Sin límite |
JACUZZI | No | WI-FI | Si |
Consumo de combustible | 70 litros/hora | Velocidad de crucero | 9 nudos |
Velocidad máxima | 11 nudos |
MASTER | 1 | TWIN | 2 |
DOUBLE | 9 |
Master suite has a separate sitting room, dressing room and bathroom.
There are also 9 Double cabins and 2 Twin staterooms.
All cabins are decorated with beautiful fabrics and the luxurious Haremlique linens and towels.
2 x 375 hp Caterpillar
142 KW Caterpillar & 159.9 KW Deere
NorthStar 5.60 m RIB with 150 hp Yamaha Outboard
NorthStar 6.20 m RIB with 200 hp Yamaha Outboard
2 x Canoe
Water ski
2 x Grim
The following services available depending on the location, upon request 24 hrs before
Hairdressing facilities
Laundry and dry cleaning
Large interior dining room for up to 60 guests
Infoor and outdoor bar
Library room
Sitting room with large TV area
Music system
Please, fill in this form and our yacht charter advisors will provide a personalized quote and all the information you need. You may also contact us via email, WhatsApp or by phone.
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Toda la información facilitada en este sitio web no tiene carácter contractual. Se publica aquí con fines informativos. Aunque la información se considera correcta, Contact Yachts no puede garantizar su exactitud y actualidad. Contact Yachts no asume ninguna obligación legal ni responsabilidad por la exactitud, integridad o utilidad de la información, imágenes o vídeos publicados en este sitio web. Los precios de alquiler de yates y las características técnicas de los yates están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. Para aclarar la información que necesita, envíenos un correo electrónico a info@contactyachts.com.
Alquiler de yates, servicios de conserjería y soporte durante el alquiler 24/7
Hola, me llamo Katerina. Soy especialista en la reserva y la organización de viajes en yate. Estaré encantada de responder a todas sus preguntas, ayudarlo a hacer un itinerario de navegación personal y brindarle apoyo profesional no solo durante la reserva del yate, sino también durante el transcurso de esta.
Whatsapp +33 6 01 49 74 57 | Email kateryna@contactyachts.com
Póngase en contacto con nosotros y nuestros corredores de yates le enviarán una selección actualizada de yates de alquiler y le ayudarán con servicios adicionales durante sus vacaciones en yate
T. +90 252 413 63 13
Whatsapp +90 538 206 95 17
CONTACT YACHTS ofrece una gama completa de servicios de alquiler de yates premium, alquiler de yates llave en mano, compraventa de yates, administración y construcción de yates premium en todo el mundo. La compañía es miembro de MYBA (Asociación Internacional de Corredores de Yates) y goza de una reputación de socio fiable en embarcaciones náuticas desde 1995.
Disclaimer: Information displayed is not contractual. Contact Yachts offers details of this vessel in good faith but does not warrant, guarantee or assume any legalibility or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information or warrant the condition of the vessel. All information is subject to change without notice. Currency conversions for comparisons purposes only, based on currency exchange rate. All particulars are believed to be correct, but cannot be guaranteed.